Directed by: Kahea Kiwaha
Executive Produced by: Christina Radburn
Produced by: Evelyn A. Martinez, Andrea Wheeler
Starring: Kai Johnson, Cher Alvarez, Decker Brooks, Maria Roman-Taylorson
Costume Designer: Nicole Jones
A Hurt Like Mine is a surreal film grounded in the reality of its circumstances. We follow Keoki, a sensitive young boy who struggles to support his mom Reina and baby sister Ari in their new home at a women’s shelter. Now safe, Keoki is forced to deal with some hard truths about his family’s hardships and his deep-seated pain for what he’s endured. With the sudden appearance of a haunting, child-like apparition, his ideas of safety are challenged and he is forced to confront his own complicated feelings for what he’s endured, and give voice to his pain in order to begin the journey of healing with his family. Through this film, we break the mystique of seeking help, re-examine the impact of trauma, and shed light on what a survivor looks like as a hero in a mythology of their own making.